dimanche 29 novembre 2015

La Mode, La Mode, La Mode...Style and Fashion by Viktor Lazlo

"La Mode se démode, le style, jamais" Coco Chanel.

Egérie de Thierry Mugler, mannequin podium pour Chantal Thomass début des années 80, plus récemment muse de Franck Sorbier (qui lui créé la splendide robe qu'elle porte sur la scène du Théâtre Hébertot pour son nouveau récital 
("Trois Femmes ") ; fidèle amie du célèbre créateur turc Atil Kutoglu, Viktor Lazlo a tout naturellement été conviée en octobre dernier à retrouver des séances de fashion shooting à l'occasion de la campagne de Noël 2015 de la marque
 "& Other Stories". 
Superbe, The Diner Party



Quand Viktor parle de mode... Extrait de l'interview accordée au magazine DS /Daily Sabah le 4 décembre 2014 

Viktor & Atil Kutoglu
DS: You always manage to look very stylish, and I also know that one of your closest friends is the Turkish fashion designer Atıl Kutoğlu. Do you enjoy fashion?

Viktor Lazlo: I love fashion, but it is not necessary to follow the latest fashion trends in order to have a style. The elegance and style of a person do not come from fashion, but from her own charisma and aura. Elegance has nothing to do with fashion. Atıl Kutoğlu is a very good friend of mine, and I am sure that his profession and fashion look alluring to almost everybody, including me.
DS: You said that elegance has nothing to do with fashion, so, who are the most elegant female vocalists of recent years according to you?

Viktor Lazlo: The taste and the habits of popular culture are constantly changing. There are women who have a strong image and who are popular. However, I cannot say that many singers correspond to my perception of elegance. Although popular culture features a lot of famous women besides singers, I still cannot think of a woman who is famous and elegant.

The story of Franck Sorbier's creation for Viktor Lazlo click HERE
Viktor & Franck Sorbier
Chantal Thomass & Atil Kutoglu
Viktor & Atil Kutoglu

Viktor& Chantal Thomass en mode ...selfie
Quand Viktor Lazlo retrouve Chantal Thomass, click HERE
Viktor en Thierry Mugler

Thierry Mugler création pour sa muse Viktor Lazlo

Viktor dans la boutique d'Atil

Viktor Lazlo en concert à Istanbul en décembre 2014, tous les costumes seront signés de Atil Kutoglu

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